Month: January 2015

Somnambulist review from

Somnambulist has another front-page mention, this time for the awesome online magazine Sound Colour Vibration.

Pop on over and take a look at the article. The reviewer, Erik Otis, happens to have first hand experience with both records. It’s kind of cool to see how he compares Somnambulist to our previous album, and recognizes the growth in the band. My personal favorite quote might be this: “Don’t by shy with the volume knob on this one.”


Check out this great write up from Igloo Magazine on The Kandinsky Effect & “Somnambulist”

Igloo Magazine  just released a great write up about The Kandinsky Effect, and our new album “Somnambulist.”

We’d like to thank Nocturnal Ghost for taking the time to interview us, and help tell the story of how we made this record. It was, to say the least, quite a process….

You can read the entire article by clicking on the screenshot below, or by visiting Oh, and the reason we posted this screenshot? Let’s just say it’s pretty neat to be featured on their homepage right next to the brand new Bjork record!

These guys are all about playing together as a crystallized unit that produces electricity, tension and raw, powerful magnetism; Somnambulist, The Kandinsky Effect’s new album and third overall which was released only a few days ago via the multifaceted Cuneiform imprint, demonstrates it beautifully and more clearly than ever…. The Kandinsky Effect is alive, kicking and bursting with creativity like never before, and I think every adventurous music lover out there should give this very special effect a try.
– Nocturnal Ghost, Igloo Magazine

Kandinsky Effect shares homepage with Bjork on

Hi Folks! Welcome Somnambulist!

It’s such a relief to get great feedback after releasing a project that you’ve been working on for years. It doesn’t always happen either. Lucky for us, we’re getting some of that right now with “Somnambulist,” the new record we just released through Cuneiform Records. If you haven’t checked it out yet, here’s the title track and a video introducing the album:

It’s only been out for a few days, but already we’re seeing signs of potential for this new album. is displaying the record on their homepage as a “New and Notable Record,” and we’ve just finished doing an interview for Igloo Magazine that should be coming out in the next week or so.

The Kandinsky Effect gets New and Notable record mention on homepage

We’re looking forward to the next few months and seeing where the momentum from this release can take us. Already we have 3 tours scheduled: US/Canada dates in March, Europe dates in April and May. Check back here regularly for the updated schedules as they become available.